LEAF Larch AM / Maple PM
As L.E.A.F. will take place no matter the weather, it is essential that children are dressed appropriately. Children are invited to wear their L.E.A.F. clothes to school to reduce time spent changing. Children will need to bring their uniform to change into for the rest of the day. This is particularly important as they may get wet during their session and we want them to change into warm, dry clothing for the rest of their day.
Layers and OLD clothing are great for L.E.A.F. lessons as it is likely the children will get wet and muddy. Here is a list of suggested clothing for your child to wear for their sessions:
- wellies, walking boots or old trainers
-thick socks of 2 pairs of thinner socks
- old jogging bottoms or leggings (2 pairs of leggings if cold)
- Long sleeved t-shirt (2 if cold)
- fleece or jumper
- waterproofs if rain is forecast
-hat, scarf, gloves
PTA are hosting a Mother and Child dry flower arrangement evening in the school hall from 5pm - 7pm
Year 4 Rowan Swimming Lesson 1.45 pm - 3.10pm
Swimming for 5 weeks
Rowan Class Swimming - Week 5 (Final)
At Micklands Primary School, our pupils, families, staff and governors share one vision: to be even better tomorrow than we are today.
As a diverse learning community, we work collaboratively to provide the very best for children, ensuring each individual can develop happily as an excellent learner, full of curiosity and wonder, underpinned by the confidence that comes from acquiring new knowledge, skills and understanding.
Through a rich and carefully planned curriculum, we are able to provide pupils with a range of exciting and stimulating learning experiences. This provision enables them to develop confidence as learners, whilst making good progress academically, socially and emotionally.
At Micklands everyone, child and adult, is treated with respect and compassion. We have clear boundaries and expectations because these are vital for children to feel safe. This ethos enables children to thrive, developing as rounded individuals who care for others, their school and the wider world.
We cannot hope to tell you about our school in a few pages on a website or answer all your questions, but we hope that what you see here will inspire you to visit us and see for yourself Micklands’ wonderful, nurturing learning environment and beautiful grounds.
Mr Mark Frost